Jones: State Budget is Too Big, Too Costly, and Not Responsible

July 8, 2022

HARRISBURG – Rep. Mike Jones (R-York) released the following statement on the 2022-23 state budget passed yesterday by the state House and today by the Senate:
“While there are many worthy components to this budget, such as modestly cutting taxes on large job creators, expansion of the Educational Improvement Tax Credit, and much-needed investments in senior care, childcare and mental health services, this budget is too big, too costly and not responsible. There are serious economic challenges facing Pennsylvania taxpayers, and with economic forecasts projecting declining revenues and potential recession, exercising more discipline in controlling spending would have been prudent. 
“This budget totals out at $42.8 billion. State spending last year was $38.5 billion. That’s an 11% increase, and no matter how you look at it, that’s not a good deal for taxpayers, and that is why, in spite of the many positives in the budget, I was obligated to vote ‘no’ on this budget.”

Representative Mike Jones
93rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little
717.260.6137 /

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