Jones Praises Grant for York County School of Technology

November 19, 2020

HARRISBURG – The country’s oldest, on-going career and technical school is not resting on its laurels, according to state Rep. Mike Jones (R-York Township).

“I applaud the York County School of Technology on its application for and receipt of a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Education,” Jones said. “The school has a tremendous reputation to uphold in a time when more and more students and their parents are realizing the value that can be found in career and technical education (CTE).”

York County School of Technology is one of 32 CTE and area vocational technical education schools and two school districts to be awarded a grant for use in purchasing new equipment aligned to training students in high-demand occupations. The school will receive the maximum $50,000 grant, contingent upon a dollar-for-dollar match from a local source which could include local school funds or contributions from business and industry partners.

“York Tech has a wide and varied curriculum and this grant will help maintain its 51-year tradition of providing students with an opportunity to begin or enhance a career and emerge with little if any debt and a solid place in our ever-changing job market,” added Jones.

Questions about this or any legislative issue should be directed to Jones’ district office at 717-428-9889.

Representative Mike Jones
93rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little
717.260.6137 /

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