York County House Republicans Move to End Wolf Emergency Declaration
June 10, 2020
HARRISBURG – The York County delegation to the House of Representatives joined fellow members Tuesday to end the more than three-month-long emergency declaration, which gave Gov. Tom Wolf sweeping powers, when they approved House Resolution 836.
Delegation members Reps. Seth Grove (R-Dover), Dawn Keefer (R-Dillsburg), Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam), Mike Jones (R-York Township) and House Appropriations Chairman Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion), issued the following statement:
“Our form of government is rooted in checks and balances to protect citizens. When one branch of government becomes too powerful, one or both of the other two branches must step up to keep the other branch in check so government is balanced.
“The Legislature is an important and equal part of government. Unfortunately, it has been sidestepped for the past three months. We attempted time and again to collaborate with the governor by reaching out to him directly and passing viable and meaningful legislation to address COVID-19. Instead of working with members of the General Assembly, the governor opted to instead take directives from a small group of like-minded governors who represent other states, ignoring the voices of Pennsylvania.
“The governor’s own actions indicate the dangers from COVID-19 are subsiding. The administration has lifted restrictions across the Commonwealth and, just last week, the governor took part in a protest that included hundreds of people. Despite these actions, he extended the declaration for an additional 90 days, which would have kept it in place for half a year.
“An emergency declaration provides extraordinary powers to the governor so dangers can be addressed swiftly. It is not meant to be a long-term situation.”
With passage of House Resolution 836, the emergency declaration is slated to end Friday.
York County Republican Delegation
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
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