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Straight to the Point… Democrat Policies Bad for Business, Growth in PA

November 1, 2023 Download

State Rep. Joe D’Orsie gets Straight to the Point with Rep. Mike Jones(R-York). Young people are choosing to leave the Commonwealth of PA due to the heavy hand of government regulation. What must be done to address our aging demographics.

Rep. Mike Jones Interviews Ashley Garecht

June 18, 2019 Download

Rep. Mike Jones (R-York) holds an interview with Ashley Garecht – the mother of teen girls involved in a recent incident with State Rep. Brian Sims (D-Philadelphia) while praying outside of a Planned Parenthood location. Garecht was in Harrisburg to support a resolution to censure Rep. Sims for his behavior in calling for the doxing of people who were exercising their constitutional rights.

Rep. Jones Says Bill Would Help Students, Parents Make Better Education Choices

March 20, 2019 Download

A package of bills designed to bolster career and technical education and increase the number of family sustaining jobs in the Commonwealth have been approved by the Pennsylvania House and are on their way to the Senate for consideration. The Good Jobs for PA initiative is designed to help students prepare for the changing job market, while offering employers an avenue to help develop educational programs that will yield workers who have the skills Pennsylvania businesses need.

Rep. Jones Cosponsors a Key Reform Measure to Institute Legislative Term Limits in Pennsylvania

March 12, 2019 Download

Freshman state lawmakers Rep. Andrew Lewis (R-Dauphin) and Mike Jones (R-York) unveiled their proposal on Tuesday to enact term limits for members of the state House and Senate. The measure seeks to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to limit a member of the General Assembly to 12 consecutive years of service in each chamber. That equates to six consecutive two-year terms for House members and three consecutive four-year terms for senators. The lawmakers expressed their believe that the change would help improve the legislative environment in both chambers. Cosponsor Rep. Mike Jones (R-York) said almost every voter he spoke with in the last election agrees that some form of term limits would improve the legislative process in PA.

Rep. Jones Comments on Governor's Budget Proposals

February 5, 2019 Download

Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his 2019-2020 state budget proposal on Tuesday in Harrisburg. The $34 billion spending plan represents a nearly 1 billion dollar increase in state spending over last year. Rep. Mike Jones (R-York) said he is pleased to see no tax increase in the Governor's budget proposal, but has concerns about the details of how he plans to pay for increased spending.

Rep. Jones Sworn-in for the 2019-20 Session of the PA House on New Year’s Day in Harrisburg

January 2, 2019 Download

Members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives were sworn in on New Year’s Day in Harrisburg with the members taking the oath of office in the House chamber at noon to officially begin the 2019-20 legislative session. Republicans hold a 110 member working majority in the House with 19 newly elected Republican members.This is the fifth consecutive term that Republicans have retained majority control of the PA House. Rep. Mike Jones (R-York) offered the following comments on the swearing-in ceremony and issues expected to be addressed in the new legislative session.

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